Connection Process
- Surveying the area and obtaining the energy requirement of the customer through Demand Assessment Sheet (DAS). Signing of Gas Sales Agreement with customer and collecting connection charges and deposits.
- Completion of upstream work upto customer premises (Meter location). Customer to complete downstream work from metering unit to usage point.
- Collecting 'required documents before commissioning from customer towards downstream work as listed below-
- Internal Piping Test Certificates.
- Test Certificates of all fittings (valves/pressure gauges/regulators, etc.).
- Third Party Pressure Testing Certificate for internal piping work.
- Internal Piping Layout Diagram showing all fittings upto final user point inside the customer premises.
- A copy of letter informing Health and Safety Directorate with piping layout diagram inside the premises.
- A letter by customer indemnifying IMC Limited against any kind of loss in case of leakage in internal piping.