No Storage Space Requirement

PNG does not require any storage tank or space since it is constantly supplied to your premises 24x7 via pipelines, thereby eliminating spillage loss unlike liquid Fuels.

No CCOE License Requirement

Unlike LPG and Diesel Fuel, there is no CCOE (Chief Controller of Explosives) License requirement for PNG.


Natural Gas is cheaper than other available fuels like Fuel Oil, Diesel, LPG etc. and thus reduces the net fuel expenses. Besides you pay post usage of PNG whereas for other fuels like you may need to pay in advance.

Environment Friendly

Natural Gas is one of the cleanest burning fuels. Coal and Fuel Oil when burned release higher emissions of NOx (Nitrogen Oxides), Sox (Sulphur Oxides) and ash particles in the environment which causes pollution whereas Natural Gas when burned releases only Carbon Dioxide and water vapors. These are the very components that we also give out while breathing.

Lower Maintenance Cost

With PNG, soot or ash accumulation and greasy spillages are absent from the appliances, thereby reducing maintenance costs. Unlike LPG Cylinders and Diesel Fuel, there is no manpower requirement for transporting PNG to your premises since it is transported through pipelines and thereby further reducing your operational costs.


The combustible mixture of Natural Gas and Air does not get ignited in case the mixture is leaner than 5% and richer than 15% of the Air/Fuel Ratio required for ignition. Besides Natural Gas is lighter than air and therefore in case of a leakage, it just rises and disperses into air.

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